Through a combination of photography, video and social engagement, my on-going project, Second Spring, presents a matriarchal society that honors the wisdom of the aging woman while recognizing these natural transitions in the natural world. The writer and menopause therapist, Kate Codrington speaks of three stages of Menopause- Separation, Surrender, and Emergence. These stages serve as a framework for my project while I explore this transition through various imagery and media.

This triptych explores three stages of menopause- Separation, Surrender, and Emergence and how these transitions are mirrored in the natural world. These light box assemblages specifically relate to the essence of both water and the body as vessels of change.

In this single channel video, fragments of reflections by Perimenopausal and Menopausal women are supported by appropriated footage of prescribed burns in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey.